Home painting ideas have evolved immensely over the years. Long ago the tradition was to choose one color that was chosen for all the home’s walls and ceilings. But now a single room can have 2 to 3 color variations and wall papers are not included. And believe me they look elegant if the colors and combined in an artistic style.
Check the images below and admire the beauty of contrast, art and matching colors. For very bold and warm environment blend orange with yellow and two opposite walls of a single room. The combinations are bright and lively and mostly suit the living room. You can invent your own creative combination by merging two light shades like sky blue and grey. They create a nerve calming environment. A striking combination can be maroon with white or red with pink.
It is not only the opposite wall, different color strategy but you can create stripes also on the walls. Broad vertical or horizontal lines bring an amazing effect to the environment. You can surprisingly make the room look wider with these geometrical shapes.
Another amazing idea for defying the monotonous look of paint on a single wall is to add brick work; especially over the fire place till the roof. It looks classy and innovative. Choose the color of your brickwork carefully so as not to make the combination repelling. Keep the ceilings of the rooms always white or a very light shade otherwise the room will appear cramped or small.