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Make your kitchen amazing with fun
  kitchen paint color ideas

Make your kitchen amazing with fun kitchen paint color ideas

There are many places in the home which is close to most people; however no home is complete without having the kitchen set perfectly. This is where the kitchen paint color ideas come into picture. There are many different colors which you can see in the market today, so how to go about making kitchen a fun place with the colors you add? The concept is simple; you need to know what kind of a kitchen you are looking at and then start the process of coloring the kitchen. It may sound complicated, however that is not the case.

Coloring ideas for the kitchen

With the advent of what one can call as modern designs. These would keep the colors quite modern. We are now looking for some of the great kitchen ideas. This is what we are looking at some of the best kitchen paint color ideas. The kitchen floor is one of the most abused areas of the kitchen. This is also the best places where the color comes into picture. The floor is spanning from wall to wall and it can make quite an impact with what you select. Before the color you should make sure that the color that you choose is the best that suits the kitchen.

Flooring and the kitchen color ideas

There are different kinds of the kitchen flooring ideas that you can select from. It is important that you look for the pros and cons of the different colors which are available in the market.

The reality is that there are many different types of kitchen flooring to select from. As such, it is important to explore the pros and cons of each in order to determine the best kitchen floorings for you. Following are a few of the many kitchen flooring options you might choose from:

Solid Wood

Naturally beautiful and capable of being sanded and refinished whenever the kitchen is in need of a “facelift,” wood is more difficult to install than other options and tends to discolor, dent and wear more quickly than other options.

Engineered Wood

This option is used as a substitute for solid wood, but still tends to dent and wear quickly. Small spills may also damage the surface, and engineered wood can only be refinished once.

Ceramic Tiles

Tiles are resistant to spills, but installation can be quite difficult. Furthermore, dropped items tend to break more easily on ceramic floors.

Plastic Laminate

Laminate is durable, easy to install, and available in a variety of colors and designs, but may be damaged by large spills. In addition, plastic laminate cannot be refinished.


This type of flooring is composed primarily of oil and wood products, creating a natural flooring option that is resilient to sunlight, spills, and moisture. It is available in a wide variety of colors and designs.


Vinyl flooring is highly durable and resistant to UV rays, stains and moisture. It is available in a wide variety of colors and designs.

Of course, when it comes down to it, much of your decision will be based on how the flooring looks. Therefore, as you explore kitchen color ideas, be sure to explore all of your flooring options carefully so you can select the color and appearance that best suits the overall design of your kitchen, and your personal tastes and needs.